TB0015 - Setting Base Date for Y2K in BuildPro Versions

Number: TB0015

Availability: As of BuildPro 7.00, all users. 


Implementation of Y2K functionality in BuildProfessional requires the setting of a Century Base date, set in either the application "options" screen or the administ "system definition" screen.  For Base Applications this functionality is sound, however,  a situation has been reported where the Base Date in an Application Version may differ from that expected.  This occurs when archiving a version into the BuildPro repository without the version ever having previously defined.


Before restoring a version into a BuildPro repository (archive restore), if the version is not already defined in Administ, enter that definition.

If a version has already been restored and is displaying symptoms of incorrect century in dates, the following correction is necessary:

  • delete the version  ie.  archive -d -a <version_name>
  • create version definition in administ
  • restore version