warning: Creating default object from empty value in /srv/drupal/drupal-6.22/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.pages.inc on line 33.

Linux Installation

BuildProfessional for Linux Installation FAQ

Following error is in xdev_err.txt: BACKGROUND ABORT Access Permission Denied to File (19013)

Incorrect permission on one or several files. These could be in buildpro/sfiles, buildpro/tmp, /tmp or /usr/tmp. This could occur if webapimanager was previously started as 'root'.

Web-API fails to start with error in webapimanager.log: Manager could not open communication channel to Agent #?

You could be out of message queues. Run "ipcs -q" and "ipcrm msg [msgid]" to remove unused message queues.

Make sure that todayx binaries have been licensed (try running bin/todayx by itself)

Web-API Manager fails to start.

Check buildpro/tmp directory for webapimanager.log and xdev_err.txt to detemine problem.