OCS Production Statistics

Production Statistics Overview

The OCS applications suite provides a wide range of reporting and analysis tools including a report writer, inherent statistical and financial analysis, and many levels of data integration and consolidation. These tools can be combined to produce scheduled and ad hoc reporting of a wide range of information for business management and analysis, including information not ordinarily accessible from a system of this nature.

The following descriptions are samples of production and costing reports that have been created using the Statistical/Financial Ledger, Time and Attendance, and the Report Writer.


Equipment Costing Detail

Equipment owner and operating costs (based on expense code groupings) along with owner and operating costs per hour. Key expense categories include lease, depreciation, fuel (dollars and gallons), repair parts, tires, repair labor, and operating labor.


Equipment Costing Summary

Summary by year of critical equipment expense element areas with a percentage of total operating cost.


Equipment Availability

Summary of equipment operating hours and downtime hours with a summary of statistical measures to include effective utilization, percent of use, mechanical availability, and physical availability.


Average Daily Tons Calculation

Output as a result of running the average daily tonnage calculation based on total tons delivered to each area for a day along with the time card entry of haul trucks and loaders. Report identifies total loads delivered to all locations and the total tons delivered to those locations.


Load Haul Detail

Detail and summary of haul truck loads, miles, and the loader that loaded the haul truck. Daily average (tons/load) for Darts and Area Rigs. Tons on active stockpile (based on tons delivered to and tons removed from). Loader hours and tons along with a summary recap of tons delivered to each area and the stockpile from active royalty locations for that day.


Daily Hauling

Production data detail for each haul truck to include tons delivered, tons per hour, ton-miles per hour, cost per ton, and cost per ton-mile. Loader tons, tons per hour, and cost per ton.


Loading Area

Coal tonnage deliveries to each area and the stockpile for each royalty/sample location.


Royalty Summary

Summary recap of coal tonnage deliveries to each area for each royalty location. Also, total of tons burned for each area.


Drag line Activity

Drag line hours, buckets, buckets per hour, minutes per cycle, yards (based on bucket conversion), yards per hour, and the bucket factor. This report will also provide a recap for each drag line of production hour percentage, cubic yards per hour, and the mechanical availability percentage.


Reclamation Production

Scraper, dozer, and blade hours by job code. Scraper yards, scraper yards per hour, scraper cost (standard) per yard, and total cost (scraper, dozer, and blade) per yard.


Scraper Stockpile Spread

Scraper hours and loads (based on job codes) with identification of topsoil or subsoil movement from and to, in loads.


Comprehensive Production Reporting

Record and capture the information you require. Use the provided reporting capabilities to produce the production information required.

  • Data Collection. The flexible methods of data collection mean that all your production data can be centrally stored. Collect through manual input, collection sheets, interfaces to real time monitoring systems, internal applications, third party applications and the complete suite of OCS modules and applications.
  • Flexible financial & statistical reporting. Use the built-in tools to produce the production information you require. Whether the data is financial or statistical in nature in can be consolidated and reported in a meaningful way.


Monitor Production

  • Determine Equipment Availability
  • Monitor Capacity
  • Production Efficiency